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About McHugh Accounting
and Consultancy

Member firm of Chartered Accountants Ireland

McHugh Accounting and Consultancy was established in 2021 by Maria McHugh FCA. Maria is a mum to 3 young children and during her extended maternity leave Maria worked with a number of sole traders and individuals, assisting them with their accountancy and tax compliance needs. Due to the success and demand for these services, Maria decided to set-up her own accountancy and tax practice, McHugh Accounting and Consultancy. As a small business owner her own practice gives her the flexibility to balance her career with her home life.


At McHugh Accounting and Consultancy you get a one-to-one personalised service with a highly experienced Chartered Accountant. Maria can help you to get the best from your business so you can move forward with confidence. 



  • One-to one personalised service

  • Highly experience PwC trained Chartered Accountant

  • Small firm so all clients deal directly with Maria at all times

  • Wide range of experience from audit and tax to the banking and food industries.


"As a small business owner myself I understand how overwhelming it can be at the start. I am really looking forward to working together with clients and helping them to make a success of their business" - Maria



Maria provides a wide range of business and tax services to individuals and sole traders. 


Some of the services we provide are:

  • Business set-up and structure advice

  • Taxation registrations and filing obligations for start-ups

  • Tax compliance e.g. Income tax and VAT

  • Year End Accounts Completion

  • Advice on annual filing obligations (e.g. Tax and CRO)

  • Set-up and management of bookkeeping software. 


Get in touch with us to find out more about our services.



  • Guest speaker 2 years in a row at Chartered Accountants Ireland 'Return to Work Workshop' giving my member
    perspective on my return to work.

  • Guest Speaker at the Women & Work event run by Dungarvan Chamber where I discussed my return to the workplace and the struggles I faced.

  • Ran 2 webinar series 'Keeping it all in Balance' & 'Keeping it all in Balance part 2' in conjunction with a friend and colleague Edel Walsh.  

  • Guest speaker on Classic Hits radio about Budget 2023 and its impacts for families and individuals.

  • Featured by Chartered Accountants Ireland in Accountancy Ireland, the industry magazine for their 'Mid-Career Women' Feature.

  • Asked to appear on Chartered Accountants Ireland 'Practice News Webinar' to discuss my return to work and the recent Institute Childcare Initiative.


At McHugh Accounting and Consultancy we are passionate about enterprise and business. You can trust us to listen to your questions and we will advise and guide you so you can get the best out of your business.


Why not find out more and book a free 30 minute virtual discovery meeting below.


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About Maria McHugh

Chartered Accountant & Owner
McHugh Accounting and Consultancy

Maria McHugh is a native of Dungarvan Co. Waterford, is married to Eoghan and together they have 3 young children. The family have recently moved back to Dungarvan after 17 years in Dublin.


Maria has a BSc Finance from UCC (2004) and went on to qualify as a Chartered Accountant with PwC. Maria was admitted to Chartered Accountants Ireland in 2007 and is now a fellow of the Institute. Additionally Maria holds a Diploma in Taxation from Chartered Accountants Ireland (2018).


Since qualifying Maria has accumulated a broad range of experience in the Audit Industry with PwC, International Banking Industry with both Westpac (Australia) and Bank of Ireland and the Irish food industry with The Dublin Cookery School and Fallon and Byrne. 


Maria loves cooking and in 2013 took a break from accounting for a year to complete a 3 month certificate cookery course. On completion of the course she was offered a position at The Dublin Cookery School which was a great opportunity and gave her exposure to a number of high profile chefs. She was also heavily involved in the school's participation at events such as Taste of Dublin, Bloom and the RDS Craft Fair. What did she learn? That she loves food and cooking but that she loves numbers, excel spreadsheets and VAT returns more!


"I was excited to do the course and try out a new career in food as I really enjoy cooking and I'm a big foodie. I learned a lot about the food industry and enjoyed my time there but ultimately I realised that business and enterprise was my passion. I don't regret for a second trying something different." - Maria 


In 2021 when Maria's youngest child was 2 years old she started wondering about what path her career would take. She had spent a few years giving business and tax advice to sole traders and individuals and she could see the demand for this increasing. She decide to take the plunge and start McHugh Accounting and Consultancy. 


" I was excited and terrified to take the first steps to open my own practice. As a mum of 3 young children working for myself gives me great flexibility and allows me to continue on my career path. I'm really looking forward to working with clients and supporting them on their business journey." - Maria


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